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People at iGRAD-Plant

The IRTG 2466 consists of 13 senior and junior faculty members from the Heinrich Heine University and Research Center Jülich, 15 associated faculty members from Michigan State University and will offer 13 DFG-funded PhD projects. More PhD students will be able to be associated with the program.

Fellows IRTG 2466

Dibin Baby - AG Bauer 

Ghazala Rauf Butt - AG Zeier

Anna Germann - AG Axmann

Sajjad Ghaffarinasabsharabiani - AG Lercher

Allegra Corelli Grappadelli - AG Pauly

Francesco Cosenza - AG Stich

Chen Deng - AG Frommer

Hanna Göhlmann - AG Weber

Gesa Helmsorig - AG von Korff Schmising

Natascha Heßler - AG Feldbrügge / Göhre

Tim Kaiser - AG Kollmann

Katarzyna Krawczyk - AG Linka

Franziska Kuttig - AG Zurbriggen

Tianyu Lan - AG von Korff Schmising

Entela Malkaj - AG Hensel/Weber

Gabriel Mendoza-Rojas - AG Feldbrügge / Göhre

Tim Nies - AG Ebenhöh

Andrea Restrepo - AG Frommer

Ana Carolina dos Santos Sá - AG Matsubara

Jonas Schön - AG Zurbriggen

Giuseppe Trotta - AG Rose

Isaia Vardanega  - AG Simon

Vinitha Venkadasamy - AG Bauer

Anjali Walpola Mudalige Dona - AG Stich

Carla Wittke - AG Matsubara


Ksenia Trofimov
Petra Bauer - Botany
Associated PhD student
Thesis: Novel insights into the functioning and regulation of FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) on post-translational and subcellular level
Current Position: Postdoc at HHU


Lesley Plücker
Michael Feldbrügge - Microbiology
Associated PhD student
Thesis: The infection Biology of the Brassicaceae smut fungus Thecaphora thlaspeos & Mg2+ transport and its role for virulence in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis
Current Position: Maternity leave

Responsible for the content: Dr. Petra Fackendahl : Contact by e-mail