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Tim Nies

Mapping genotypic to phenotypic variation by mathematical models 

Acclimation to varying light conditions is a highly regulated procedure that is essential for the photosynthetic activity in plants. However, this process shows different characteristics depending on the plant’s environment. To understand the variations of photoacclimation between ecotypes elaborated computational and theoretical methods are needed.

Thus, this project aims to explore photoacclimation in ecoytpes by analysing and evaluating their genetic content. Sophisticated bioinformatic methods will be used to investigate potential causes of the observed variations in different phenotypes, thereby mapping genetic content to the phenotypic differences. Furthermore, realistic mathematical models will be developed that help to explore and simulate different environmental conditions and their effect on the acclimation process. In a later stage those models will be expanded by a description of the Calvin-Benson cycle, as the main energy consumer in plants. This will help to understand different carbon allocation strategies and their connection to the genetic content that vary between ecotypes.

Starting date: 01.06.2019 / Qualification Fellow; 01.05.2020 / Doctoral Researcher

Thesis committee members: Oliver Ebenhöh, tba


Saadat NP, Nies T, van Aalst M, Hank B, Demirtas B, Ebenhöh O and Matuszyńska A (2021) Computational Analysis of Alternative Photosynthetic Electron Flows Linked With Oxidative Stress Front. Plant Sci Oct 22 doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.750580

Saadat NP, Nies T, Rousset Y, Ebenhöh O (2020) Thermodynamic Limits and Optimality of Microbial Growth. Entropy (Basel) 22(3):277. doi: 10.3390/e22030277

Ebenhöh O., van Aalst M., Saadat N.P., Nies T., Matuszyńska A., 2018. Building Mathematical Models of Biological Systems with modelbase. Journal of Open Research Software 6. https://doi.org/10.5334/jors.236


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